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A blog where we post whatever we want. A focus on music, obscure film, and more. Many links are our own uploads, but just as many are taken from other blogs. If you have a problem with us having your links on our blog, we are glad to take them down. Female Trouble is maintained by Garrett (ZOOM LENS), Michelle, and Megane-Kun (Drink Cold). If there is something that you think we may have that you wish to ask for, do not hesitate to ask us! Please email gyyguy@yahoo.com. The Female Trouble email is not checked.

Mishima is the most obvious and recognizable name of the post-war novelists of Japan, highly linked with his ritualistic stomach-piercing suicide, seppuku. But, his way with words expanded further than just novels, for he also was a playwright, wrote prose and short novellas as well as essays. The Sea of Fertility tetralogy were his last published writings, which includes the very famous story of Kiyoaki Matsugae's unrequited love and happiness as an aristocratic member of a westernized Japanese family in the 20th century: Spring Snow.

I find it unfortunate that Mishima is always coined as an absurdist; his writings are profound, poetic. He was well-researched, highly knowledgeable of western and eastern philosophy alike.

Death in Midsummer and other stories is a collection of shorts put out in 1966.
Highly-recommended for those who enjoy Japanese-modernism.

"Reiko had not kept a diary and was now denied the pleasure of assiduously rereading her record of the happiness of the past few months and consigning each page to the fire as she did so."-Yukio Mishima, Patriotism


1 Response so far.

  1. Yukio Mishima is good, I read a bit of Forbidden Colors before school began and I didn't have time for recreational reading anymore. I'm going to have to give this book a look when I get some time again.

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